Thursday, May 19, 2016

 David will be at the hospital overnight and have a swallowing test in the morning. All his meds with the exception of the Pradaxa can be administered through his feeding tube and not taken with water. Dr. Hoffman, a urologist (and the Moyle at the temple) visited and to combat the drug interaction he is replacing the Flowmax with another drug,  He also ordered ultrasound of kidneys and bladder and while David was down for that he had a chest X-ray.
David is getting IV fluids and a stool softener.
 Dr. Davidson , the surgeon from Georgetown, called. The differential diagnosis is that the head CT changes are radiological in nature, from all the radiation he had his bones reacted. The advice is to wait 3 months and repeat the CT to track any changes before doing further tests. It doesn't look like a cancer to anyone there. Whew! I want to celebrate - by getting 8 hours of sleep tonight. Too bad David won't because of the nursing staff taking his vitals and waking him up.  I'm hoping that he will be able to come home tomorrow after his swallowing test.  He is struggling to breath and wheezing but his oxygen levels remain high so...?

Thanks for all the prayers.

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