Today David's platelet count before his infusion was 50,000, so it is going in the right direction again. He will see the PA on Tuesday afternoon. He and I walked over 30 minutes in the park but covered very little pavement because he was exhausted after his treatment and walked extremely slowly relying heavily on his walking stick for balance. Being out in the sun and saying hi to the bikers, dog walkers and runners was lovely. We were passed by a guy pushing a baby in a stroller with a toddler holding his hand. The toddler was fascinated by David and kept looking back at him until they disappeared in the distance. We'll get out there again tomorrow. It will get better and better even if it takes a while for him to handle the hill after several months of walking the mall or WallMart. I know that he is really tired because he hasn't tried to print a bunch of stuff off of Politico or the Huffington Post😜 He's seen at least one doctor every day this week and has doctors scheduled for next Mon and Tues. I told Tracey at Dr. Clemo's office that we should just have a standing appointment with Dr. Clemo. David's hearing is so bad that he routinely mis-hears so I have to go too. Yesterday he thought that the ENT doctors found a new growth in his ear and ordered a CT. I missed that appointment. After calling the office and speaking with the Doctor, they found a possible problem in his left nose on a CT from the hospital two weeks ago and want to follow up with a PET scan. I told Dr. Peter that a similar thing happened last year but that Dr. Davidson reviewed it, followed it up several months later and decided that it was a surgical artifact, not a growth. Dr. Peter still wants the PET scan, so we are waiting for insurance to approve it and the Imaging place to schedule it.
He plans to keep the usual weekend schedule with temple tomorrow and walking in Prince William forest on Sunday. Good for him. thanks for your prayers. We still need them.
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