Tuesday: Platelet count has decreased (in thousands) from 50 on Friday to 39 today. That is the wrong direction. After much deliberation David decided to have a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning at 8. It will take a couple of weeks for results to come back and then Dr. Vaughn can make a diagnosis and plan a treatment....we hope. It may be four weekly infusions of Rituxitab to further suppress the immune system if the diagnosis of Idiopathic Thrompcytopenic Purpura (ITP). We spoke with Lorri tonight and David said he is not worried. I think that he is weary of all the doctor's visits. He is really shaky and his balance is bad. He fell while going into Costo earlier today but was OK when we went later to get more Prednisone...yes, he remains on 50 mg. per day until the results of the biopsy come back. I'm not sure what they will find there because his red and white blood cells are stable and relatively normal.
Wednesday: David had a bone marrow biopsy at 8:30 this morning. He has slight pain during the process and was told to expect pain in about an hour, so he took some Tylenol and is feeling OK. Right now he is sitting at the kitchen table and fell assleep when I was checking messages. He has a 2:00 hair appointment so he'll wake up soon for that. Danielle, who did the procedure, told him that they will get some results in a few days but the full panel of results will take a couple of weeks. They will call him if there is a problem after reviewing the initial results. He will see the hematologist, Dr. Vaughn, on March 15 at 9 a.m. To get the results and plan treatment. I will be in TX but Jeff will be here to go with him and I will FaceTime into the appointment.
In other news the PET scan has been approved to get more information about the anomaly that showed up on the CT from Feb 10. It seems to be the same thing that showed up in 2012 and 2015 but since the new CT was taken at a different hospital system there is no correlation (really? Russia can hack our secure systems but two hospital systems won't share information?). He sees Dr. Davidson at Georgetown on March 17 so I'm hoping that the PET scan is sooner rather than later.
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