So a couple of days ago I noticed a large bruise on the inner back of David's leg and asked him about it. He is taking prednisone and was snarky and flinched when I tried to touch it pretty much yelling at me saying it was nothing. So he's been to the hematology office and today to see his internist but didn't even mention it much less ask them to look at it. So I didn't either because I didn't want another scene about it. Mistake.
Tonight, tonight, out of the blue he sat on the couch, pulled his jeans down and told me there was no bruise. I got up from my recliner, paused the PBS show I was watching and showed it to him and then returned to the recliner and show. In a minute he said HMMM there is a lump there. Feel this. I got up from the recliner, paused the show and damn if there is not a lump about 2 cm. in diameter under the bruised area. I am worried that this is a blood clot and don't want it to travel. Luckily he is going to the hematology office at 8 a.m. Tomorrow. Although to be safe, while he is getting his IV Ig tomorrow, in addition to trying to change his SS automatic deposit to his new checking account that he opened after closing one because he lost his checkbook, and paying some bills online because the new checking account came with only ONE check until the new ones arrive in two weeks, I have to call the internist again to see when she can see him between his infusion and his ENT Doctor appointment or Friday morning. I am worried about him and frustrated with him. He has always been forgetful and looses things all the time but they eventually turn up...usually after he has gone online or to Costco to replace them. The prednisone is turning up the volume. He is worried and on edge anyway and the lovely steroid exacerbates everything. I don't want to be mean but it seems like that I am coming across this way to him on top of everything else. I know that he is also worried and said that her is weary of one more thing after another, after another, after another. PLease keep us in your prayers.
JOANN, I will be there this time next week, I hope I can be of some support for the week. If there are scheduled appointments please let me know and I certainly can assist. I will be also be calling tomorrow