Tuesday, February 21, 2017

More tests/ treatments

Today David went to the Hematologist.  His platelets were down to 24,000 from 71,000 last week (normal between 150,000 and 450,000) but his hemoglobin was up to 11.2 (from 9.4).  So the Prednisone is not working and he will have an IV infusion of immunoglobulin on Thursday and again on Friday after which they will check the platelet levels again.  If they don't go up then the next step is the dreaded bone marrow aspiration and analysis.  They do it in the office with no anesthetic or in the hospital with twilight sleep.  They wanted to do both immediately but he is delaying with the hope that the IV Ig will work.  The bone marrow gives the most information about what is causing the platelet damage.  David is very discouraged.  This makes him confused too.  I've had a mini-flu or early spring allergies or something so I'm in a less than optimal supportive mode.
Tomorrow he sees his internist.  Thursday he sees the ear, nose and throat doctor and Monday has his feeding tube replaced and sees the pulmonologist.  He is congested and has a very hard time getting the thick mucus out and straining could cause another bad bleed.  I started him on some Mucinex too thin it out and maybe Dr. Clemo or Dr. Dash will suggest something else.  On the positive side, his oxygen levels are great and he is neither tired nor in pain.
Keep us in your prayers and stay tuned.


  1. Always in my prayers. Call if you need to vent. Love you

  2. Hang in there. I had an Irish Coffee for you this evening, hope it helped ;)
