Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Feeding Tube Chronicles

David's feeding tube has been problematic.  He had it replaced while in the hospital the last time but it started leaking about three weeks later and he had it replaced with a wider (26 mm diameter) tube last Thursday.  During that procedure he was told that there was only one wider tube available for him and he started to worry immediately.  He did not question them about what would happen and I was not at that particular appointment since Adam was here and accompanied him.  The new tube leaked the same day and the next day he came to MY medical appointment to ask for our doctor's opinion.  She ordered the 28 mm tube.  If and when that is leaky then she thought that the interventional radiologists would close the current opening to his stomach and make a new one.

Today he had the 28mm replacement.  I was there and we learned a few things.  They put more water than usual into the balloon inside the stomach that closes the opening there. There is a 30 mm tube available so he is not at the upper limit of sizes.  Other people have had worse enlarged openings compared to what David has right now.  There is the option to open a new feeding route but the current openings must heal before a new one can be made and that is a drastic move because healing takes several days.  He feels much better about the tube right now.

The new tube is NOT leaking after two meals and I have high hopes that it will remain secure.

Since the appointment required us to be at the hospital at 8:30, we did not do our usual walk today and will resume the "first thing in the morning" walk tomorrow as early as possible before the air quality degrades and the heat and humidity become unbearable.  I'm actually OK with walking and read email or news headlines during the walk because there is no need to be alert on the paved, dead-end road through the National Park.  We stop now and then for David to check his oxygen levels, allow him to breathe deeply until levels rise when the levels drop and continue.  My fall schedule has no morning classes so we will be able to continue this as the days shorten and cool.

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