Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Something new about David's health

Because David had a sore throat we went to see the doctor again today.  Dr. Clemo, our internist, is on vacation and so he saw another doctor in the same practice.  After reviewing all the records, etc. we learned that the sputum cultures were negative for mycobacterium.  (According to the pulmonologist sputum is not indicative if negative, the bronchoscopy goes down to the lower lung where the gunk is, to get a good sample.  Even then, this stuff does not easily grow and there is only a 50% chance it will be detected. ). Anyway Dr. Ameen, the substitute internist, is treating for a yeast infection with flluconazole for five days and said to gargle with salt water.  IMHO the evidence is all pointing to an aspiration-caused pneumonia blocking gas exchange but not an infection per se.  I guess we'll see.  We left the doctor's office and went to Costco for the prescription and shopped for Easter stuff to.  Now we are home watching recorded shows...only David is napping while sitting on the couch.  I hate to wake him up to go into the bed for some real rest.

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