Wednesday, July 6, 2016

July 6 post post-hospital doctor visits

Yesterday David saw Dr. Lynne Clemo, his primary care physician.  His lungs sound fine to her.  She ordered bloodwork to check on his hemoglobin and kidney function and many other things too.  She said that his risk for an embolism is much lower than his risk from a re-bleed of the ulcer or other bleed from his poor balance.  This means he will not be back on blood thinners for at least six months.  He is cleared to drive again but she wants him to stay off of the interstate until his balance improves.  She wants to see him again in 6 weeks and we made that appointment.

Today he saw Dr. Lee, the gastroenterologist.  He ordered blood work to check his hemoglobin AND to check for Helicobacter pylori a big factor in ulcers.  If that is positive then he will need two weeks of antibiotics.  If it is not and if the hemoglobin is rising then Dr. Lee does not want to do another endoscopy unless Drs. Clemo need that information to make a decision about David's treatment.  He would not do it for another 2 months and wants a follow-up visit then.  By that time we will have Dr. Clemons opinion about the endoscopy.

Today David got into his car and went to see his friend Zee, drove here and there and I think was happy to be in the car without me.  His concentration and focus is not optimal but is coming along.

He told me he wants nothing for his birthday.  Of course I cannot accept that because I love celebrating special occasions.  Than and I are trying to do SOMEthing David will enjoy and have come up empty so far.  Maybe a movie at the AMC theater in Potomac Mills where they have a very cool closed caption device that scrolls the CC across a narrow long screen that you place near the bottom of your viewing area of the screen.  No movies in Fredericksburg are AMC.  All AMC theaters have these in all the theaters.  He is not sure that he wants to see any of the movies that are playing there.  I'll keep trying.

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