The pulmonologist ordered tests to rule out a blood clot in the lungs: blood work and a special X-ray. Imaging our surprise when the guy from across the street that we've known since he was a little child in elementary school came to take him down. Yesterday the radiologist was Dr. Neil Green from the temple and the urologist is also a member of the temple. This makes David feel very confident in the institution and in the overall results. He will not be able to walk again until these tests are evaluated. His care board indicates that discharge planning is on the agenda for today. His arms are covered with bruises for all the blood work stabs.
I brought the MacBook and connected to HBO on the go so that we can watch shows he's missed. He was really disappointed to miss Real Time last night. We are binging on VEEP right now I also brought five DVDs so the hospital TV won't be his only source of entertainment.
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