David saw Dr. Davidson at Georgetown earlier today. He examined him thoroughly and scoped his nose, nasopharyngeal down through the vocal cords. I got to see it on the color monitor and was fascinated. It is all pink and shiny with no signs of a cancer of other problem. His throat is irritated and there was some mucous probably from coughing. Nothing at all to worry about. We are both relieved about that area. Now he waits until the end of April to see the pulmonologist, Dr. Goyal and will probably have another CT in May to see what is happening with his lungs. When he has that Dr. Davidson ordered a neck CT with contrast for the usual follow up but does not need to see David relative to that until next March.
While we were waiting there were several children there. That can't be good. They were these thinly little kids who no doubt had huge problems. One mom was clearly on edge and talked to me about not being able to find parking in the garage and not knowing what to do before the appointment. The parking attendant told her to find another garage with parking and she told me she had no idea how to do that and then find her way to the otolaryngologist' a office. Eventually she followed someone to their car and took that space. (I did that too...just like I do at the mall.) I felt sorry for her being the only parent with this little guy who got referred to Dr. D.
On the way home we stopped by Costco and the audiologist adjusted David's hearing aides and made a new mold for one ear so that is is more securely placed in the ear. It sometimes gets loose and then he gets terrible whining feedback.
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